...there was Tommy and Maggie. Then there followed 5 children who all had progeny of their own. Now their progeny are begetting all over the place and it is getting harder to keep track of what everyone is up to. This is where web 2.0 technologies come into play. This blog has been set up as a sort of cyber-bulletin board. Hopefully we can all contribute to it, checking in from time to time to post the virtual postcards, messages, fridge magnets and things that make up our increasingly busy lives.

Hoping to hear from someone soon,
hi carole,
am i doing this right
Hello anonymous,
If you just want to comment on a post, that is fine. However, if you are "one of us" I would dearly love for you to post in your own right. If you have received an invitation, follow the instructions to set up a google account and then you can log in and post. Call me if you've any probs. C.
Am I doing it rightnow, Maria
By George she's got it!!! For comments anyway...
Now, login to blogger by putting the following in the address bar of your browser:
Click on 'new blogger' in the top right of the screen.
then login using the email address you specified as your google account name and the password you specified.
This will bring you to your dashboard which lists your blogs and all the other info you need to customise your blogging experience. Underneath the blog name there is a '+ new post'. Click on that to publish your own posts, not just comments on existing posts. When done, you can preview what you have written or just publish straight away. A bit more practice and you can load up photos. It's dead easy once you get the hang of it.
Happy blogging!
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