Sunday, 23 April 2017

Condron Family Blog...born again!

Blimey, it has been, like, FOREVER since anything was posted here...well, 2008 anyway.  Since that time, I have lost a much loved big brother, John, but we have also seen a few babies added to the family. None of which has been documented on this particular platform since there are other, more popular and immediate ways of sharing this information with family. But waste not, want not, this is still a good repository for family tales.  I have been doing a bit of family history research for the last couple of years and that has brought about some interesting discoveries.  I would like to use this forum for sharing some of the stories that I am trying to piece together from the dim and distant past - all the more difficult in that the people in the stories are no longer with us and we have no witnesses to their lives. Maybe in the telling of these stories, they might live once more, in the hearts and minds of their descendents.