Well this was the most important bit of the day. Baby William has his first experience of the backwash while Mum, Dad and big sister look on. 

There, now, that didn't hurt a bit...

Now it's off for some fun at William's party. Where are all the cakes?

Leah will just have to make do with a nice drink until the cakes arrive.
As Michelle and Chris agree, these family dos are always a good opportunity to catch up with the cousins.
Sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters...Kirsty and Lol with Kirsty showing off a new hairstyle.

Here is a rare shot, Carole, Phil and the girls on one photo.
John, Peter, Lindsey, Bernie and Phil being convivial...
Oh, Mum, you've spoiled the photo wiping your mouth...!

And here is the little guy who brought us all together for the day, sleeping it off.